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Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis: Causes, Symptoms, Natural Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis: Causes, Symptoms, Natural Remedies

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, an essential organ that plays a key role in regulat...
Kati Vasti Ayurvedic Treatment: Benefits, Procedure and Healing Power

Kati Vasti Ayurvedic Treatment: Benefits, Procedure and Healing Power

Kati Vasti treatment is an ayurvedic therapy that is mainly used for treating lower back pain. Vasti...
Why You Should Apply Almond Oil in Navel for Glowing Skin Benefits?

Why You Should Apply Almond Oil in Navel for Glowing Skin Benefits?

Since childhood, we have all heard about the importance of keeping your navel clean. We often see ou...
Health care
Ayurvedic Treatment for Sciatica: Causes, Remedies, and Lifestyle Recommendations

Ayurvedic Treatment for Sciatica: Causes, Remedies, and Lifestyle Recommendations

Sciatica is a type of pain that affects the human lower back through the legs. It occurs when the Sc...
Skin care
Simple and Effective Solutions For Ayurvedic Treatment for Hyperpigmentation

Simple and Effective Solutions For Ayurvedic Treatment for Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation refers to the Dark spots that develop on the skin due to several factors such as s...
Here are the 5 Best Allergy Treatments in Ayurveda for Instant Relief

Here are the 5 Best Allergy Treatments in Ayurveda for Instant Relief

Allergies occur when your immune system reacts strongly to things that are not harmful. This leads t...
Health care
Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Liver to Transform Your Overall Health

Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Liver to Transform Your Overall Health

Your liver is an important organ that helps to keep your body healthy. It helps in the processing of...
5 Best Smoothie Recipes for Weight Gain You Need to Try Now

5 Best Smoothie Recipes for Weight Gain You Need to Try Now

People used to work out for hours just to gain weight and feel healthy, but do you know? Taking a pr...

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